

We make the biggest impact when we work with people who live with a rare disease, cancer or a neurological condition, their families and caregivers to really understand the realities of their experience. When we talk about patient centricity, we understand being a patient is only one aspect of a person’s identity. Ipsen works with more than 25 patient advocacy organizations in the U.S. to ensure people impacted by the disease or condition are truly given a seat at the table when it comes to their care and the developments that Ipsen is making. We believe this kind of close collaboration and inclusion is essential to ensure we chart the right course.

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Helping patients get access to their prescribed medications with the information and support they need

Ipsen CARES (Coverage, Access, Reimbursement & Education Support) serves as a central point of contact between patients/caregivers, healthcare providers, insurance companies, and specialty pharmacies.

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Making clinical trials accessible and understandable

We are committed to ensuring that all our published research is freely available to everyone. To make this happen, we work closely with the patient community to provide summaries of key clinical studies sponsored by Ipsen in easy-to-understand language, so they are not just available, but accessible to all.

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Find a clinical trial

Clinical trials can lead to medical outcomes that help improve lives, and we thank all people who make this critical research possible through their participation in trials.

If you would like to learn more about enrolling in a study, visit, speak to your health care provider or learn more about clinical trials sponsored by Ipsen.

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Our approach to responsibility

Ipsen unites all our employees behind our global commitment to doing business responsibly through Generation Ipsen – For Positive Change. This fully integrated approach is built on four pillars: Environment, Patients, People and Governance. Generation Ipsen is designed to ensure we meet patients’ needs while working in ways that are ethical, responsible and community-minded.

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