Partnering with the UK Government and Other Industry Stakeholders

The UK and Ireland are world-leading hubs for Life Science innovation. Ipsen believes that an effective working relationship with the UK & Irish governments is a crucial part of this success.

Through our interactions with these governments, we are keen to play a significant role in the UK and Ireland’s unique ecosystems and to help forge a bright future for UK and Ireland life sciences, for the wider healthcare sector, and ultimately for patients.

As a company with the full spectrum of activity in the UK, from R&D, to manufacture and commercial, Ipsen recognises that continued success in the life sciences sector relies on effective, honest partnership with the Government, as well as with the NHS. We want to be a part of helping to deliver new innovation, and to shape policies that improve care for patients, foster innovation and ensure a promising and stable future for the NHS. We want to support the NHS in delivering on its many challenges and priorities, particularly as we continue to collectively face the aftermath of the Covid pandemic.
Over many years, Ipsen has forged close ties with the NHS and with government. Ipsen has worked in partnership with the UK government in medicine development and continues to contribute royalties from product sales to Public Health England – a sum in excess of £31 million in 2020.

Innovate UK

Innovate UK is the UK’s innovation agency, a government-funded body that aims to drive productivity and economic growth by supporting businesses to develop and realise the potential of new ideas, including those from the UK’s world-class research base. The UK government’s budget meeting in 2021 announced that the annual core budget of Innovate UK will be increased to £1bn. In September 2017, Ipsen received its first grant under this scheme. The project is a collaboration led by Ipsen Biopharm and the total sum of the grant is £1.2 million.

This project will examine using cell free expression to produce a botulinum toxin from a “doggybone DNA vector”. The project will develop a system for producing this vector and screen a wide range of conditions to negate the health and safety risks and overcome yield limitations associated with this kind of high-potency biopharmaceutical production.

GripAble Partnership

In March 2022, we partnered with digital rehab provider GripAble Ltd to announce a new, joint, innovative pilot study that has the potential to revolutionise the way patients undergo treatment and rehabilitation for upper limb spasticity. Learn more in the below pdf summary.

Partnerships and Contributions in the UK


December 2024

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