Exceeding again our CSR-based targets

Exceeding against our CSR-based targets

Exceeding against our CSR-based targets

Exceeding against our CSR-based targets

For the first time in 2019, we made a big decision: to include Environmental, Social and Governance criteria when renegotiating the conditions of our external financing facility. By doing so, we committed to meeting specific targets.

In 2019 and in 2020 again, we did more than meet our targets: we exceeded them. As a result, today we are delighted to announce that over those two years we’ve been able to donate €220,000  to International Health Partners (IHP), a non-profit organization that we chose for its outstanding work bringing medicine and healthcare supplies to some of the world’s poorest and most challenging places. Thanks to his generous donation, IHP will be able to continue their mission of helping underserved communities receive essential healthcare supplies

“Ipsen has a responsibility to society and this was never more evident than in 2020. We responded to an unprecedented year by redoubling our efforts to support patients, communities and the planet.” said David Loew, CEO of Ipsen. This donation is another illustration of Ipsen Group strategy Focus. Together. For patients and society.

Adele Paterson, CEO at IHP commented, “We are proud to partner with great companies who share our vision to serve communities across the world that lack access to medicines. Ipsen is one of these companies. Last year their generous financial support for IHP enabled 156,500 treatments to reach some of the poorest nations. This year Ipsen have reiterated their donation! Thank you Ipsen! Your continued support is helping extend our reach even further at this time of unprecedented need.”

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