Continuously improving how we engage with patient communities 2023 Ipsen patient organization engagement satisfaction survey results   - Global

Continuously improving how we engage with patient communities 2023 Ipsen patient organization engagement satisfaction survey results  

Continuously improving how we engage with patient communities 2023 Ipsen patient organization engagement satisfaction survey results  

Continuously improving how we engage with patient communities 2023 Ipsen patient organization engagement satisfaction survey results  

In 2023 Ipsen launched its third global patient organization engagement survey, featuring the perspectives of 85 patient organizations (POs) globally. These findings will be used to help Ipsen deliver on what matters most to patients and caregivers. For the third year in a row, our ratings have increased, and we’re proud of this year’s rating of 8.7 out of 10 for overall satisfaction with patient engagement.

Survey background   

The 2023 survey included 85 patient organizations across a diverse range of set-ups, from global, national, regional to umbrella organizations, and had wide geographic coverage. It spanned each of Ipsen’s three focus therapy areas of oncology, rare disease and neuroscience.    

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What is going well with patient engagement? 

Feedback shows three main areas where Ipsen is performing well according to the needs of the patient community, i.e.

  • Acts with honesty and integrity 
  • Uses the right language to communicate 
  • Patient engagement skills that employees display are excellent 

Where can we improve?

These were the three main areas recommended to address:

  • Ensure co-creation happens routinely
  • Offer appropriate compensation for services
  • Make the contractual process clear and simple

Work to address these is already under way, for example via a collaborative project between Legal, Patient Affairs and expert patient advisors to simplify the process of how Ipsen contracts with patients.

How can Ipsen better support the needs of patients in 2024?   

There were four key areas identified by patients where they recommend Ipsen can do more to support their needs in the coming year, namely:   

  • Support initiatives to improve the patient experience and outcomes  
  • Growth, sustainability and PO support  
  • Increase inclusion and co-creation opportunities  
  • Support communication, awareness and education efforts  
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What’s next?   

“All the data from this years’ survey is being used to guide our ‘Patient 3.0’ strategic roadmap, so that we can evolve our patient engagement skills and capabilities and take our ambitions to work with patients, for patients, to the next level”, explained Pascale Cavillon, Global Patient Affairs Director, Oncology, who has led the survey since inception in 2020.  

 Thank you to everyone who supported the project and to the patient organizations that responded. 

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